Object qualities
Objectillustration: Books Prints Ornament & Architecture
Author of the objectIsabella Catanea Parasole
Type of arts & crafts
SizeOverall: 7 7/8 x 10 1/4 in. (20 x 26 cm)
Geography details
Italy -
Country today
Source of information
Type of sourceDatabase “Metropolitan Museum of Art”
Fund that the source refers toMetropolitan Museum of Art
Designed by Isabella Catanea Parasole, Italian, ca. 1575-ca. 1625, published by Antonio Fachetti, Rome.
From top to bottom, and left to right:
Design composed of 4 horizontal registers that form a corner. First register is decorated with semi-ellipse motifs that contain a flower in the center. Second register is decorated with an alternating pattern of 8-petaled and 4-petaled flowers. Third register is decorated with 4 squares that are each ornamented with an elaborate flower comprised of various shapes and patterns. Fourth register is decorated with the same pattern as that of the second register: an alternating pattern of 8-petaled and 4-petaled flowers.