1930-1940 years
Village Podlyasovo,
Zubovo-Polyansky region
Zubovo-Polyansky region
Object qualities
Type of arts & crafts
TechniqueCounted-thread embroidery, ‘nabor’ (weaving stitch), ‘rospis’ (painting stitch)
(satin stitch / slanting satin stitch / counted satin stitch / single-sided satin stitch / double-sided satin stitch / long-and-short stitch, nabor (weaving stitch), assisi stitch) -
MediumCanvas, wool threads
Geography details
Village Podlyasovo,
Zubovo-Polyansky region -
Federal region today
Federal subject today
Date1930-1940 years
Ornament qualities
Source of information
Type of sourceAlbum “Mordovian Folk Costume”
Author(s) Т. Prokina, M. Surina -
Fund that the source refers toMordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts